Tuesday 17 July 2012

My Mum, The Ninja

At half past six while the whole world sleeps,
from out of bed, he yawns then he leaps.

Gathering his wares and then on he will go,
with the bedlam and grace of a wild buffalo.

Into the shower that's far from not warm,
with all of the fanfare from a tropical storm.

Drying himself and yet still in a hurry,
knocking all down akin to a lorry.

Dressing is next, putting on all of his clothes,
descending the stairs for his coffee he goes.

Tiptoeing down with all of his charm,
now for the hard bit, the dreaded alarm!!!

Silence is golden, a wise man once said,
praying the family stay asleep in thier bed.

Key in the numbers, wow!!! that's awful loud,
more than enough to awaken a crowd.

Oh no! he thought...but maybe, it's not,
that definately sounds like a noise from the cot.

Heavens to Murgatroyd, it surely can't be,
in a flash, up the stairs to the cry of "Daddy".

While the other shift is a different story.
unlike Daddy's descent its not quite as gory.

Last night her uniform was already laid out,
Not a bellow, a whisper, much less a shout.

Fleeting like a fairy, in not so much space,
teeth, then hands, then washing her face.

Uniform on, then her shoes and her socks,
No bang, no peep nor a murmur, she rocks!!!

With all of the grace of Tinkerbell fairy,
Daddy should learn how she does it is scary.

But then there's a squeak from inside the house,
but the culprit I know is the resident mouse.

So we're all still asleep, not a stir or a mutter,
as she negotiaties her way down through all of our clutter.

She's down the stairs and way out of the door,
while my sister and I are still in a snore.

Now hold it, Dad thought as he rolled in his bed,
How does she do it? 'Unbelieveable' he said.

My Mom is the greatest, if things don't work out,
she could be a ninja, she'd be in with a shout! 

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